Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monk-tastic! (monk-tacular?)

So about two years ago, I did a review of Chimay's entire lineup. Chimay isn't necessarily a household name here in the states, but for those that know Belgian beers, it is probably the most recognizable of the Trappist breweries. Currently, there are six recognized breweries that can use the Trappist label, all of whom are located in Belgium and all part of Trappist monastaries.

What is less known about these breweries is that they play a critical role in the development of the American craft brewing renaissance we have been enjoying for the past several decades. Many of the founders of the most successful or most influential microbreweries directly draw their influence from Belgian breweries; these breweries, in turn, drew their influence from the over 1,000 years worth of Belgian monastic tradition.

Over the next week, we will be reviewing some of the lesser known Trappist breweries, discussing their general awesomeness and why we should both a) care, and b) drink alot of their product. Our discussion will begin with Rochefort, revisit Chimay Cique Cents (white cap), and hit on the non-Trappist (but closely linked) Duval. Stay tuned...